Flatman is a litte character i animated to get a notion how my primitive-egg-style-character design would look as a 2d animation.The idea behind this character design was to experiment with very reduced forms, that look good,and act funny.I do this research because i want to develop a quick and dirty characterdesign, that allows to tell a story, without having to spend weeks on modelling wrinkles or texturing fingernails of complex characters.Not that i don't like texturing fingernails of complex characters, it's just that i have a strong interest in writing and storytelling.After having spent 11 months animating 12 Minutes long story, i feel like having a little variety in the content, during the animation, rather than working on the same story for 11 Months.Though this longtime animation experience has shown me the beauty of 10 Sekond clips, i want to have a design that is both quick to animate, and somehow original.( A dangerous topic). The reason for that is, that, since 3 years, i dream about making a little animated sitcom,( Laugh at me.C'mon. Laugh at me! haha, C'mon, do it! ) and devoted a lot of experimentation to this. This clip here is an example of this. As i'm reading this name "Flatman", i really like it...o.k.. The look is really messy, just how i like it, so, enjoy...