Monday, October 09, 2006

Characteranimation - lots of theory here

Here's my essay about "characteranimation".
It's my "Zulassungsarbeit" for my exam at the academy of arts in Nuremberg and it's still a work in progress. In spite of that it's still a lot to read. It has different aspects, as i 'm trying to look at charakteranimation from an acting point of view.I was so glad as to meet a young actress this summer who told my a lot about acting i didn't know, especially about the russian theatre director "meyerhold". A week ago i have seen a piece in Berlin at the "Berliner Ensemble" called "Leon and Leonce" which reminded me, in terms of their acting, of the description of meyerholds method called "biomechanics". It is a bit as if one would watch animation on stage. They even used sound effects like in animation.

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